Monday, April 21, 2014

Wish You Were Her

You know those post cards where there’s a girl in a bikini and the caption reads ‘Wish You Were Her’? Yeah this blog has nothing to do with one of those but it seemed cutesy and whimsical so I went with that for the title. I’m beginning day 9,872 of my Canadian exile. I did actually go home since the last time I wrote about being in Canada and then I came back four more times. Four. More. Times. So I’ve spent about 12 weeks up here in the last year. That’s like three months. Now that’s commitment. Take that Dr. Vanderwoot and your commitment issue theories! Wait…wrong blog.

Things have been good. Since last we met the following things have happened:

·      I have traveled to Canada and Iowa
·      I turned 30 (more on that in a future blog post)
·      Went to Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England
·      Some other stuff
·      Watched the first 6 seasons of Mad Men
·      Watched a lot of Dr. Who – Finally made it to Matt Smith
·      Grew 5 inches
·      Became even more charming
·      Grew some abs so I could see what everyone was raving about
·      Made up the last 3 items on the list

I’m sure there have been other things but really people it’s been almost a year. It’s hard to keep track of all of my awesome. 

Other than failing to entertain you with this blog I don’t have a whole lot of other things to talk about. Saving them all for future blogs. So in 2 years be prepared to be underwhelmed by the latest round of musings. Until then I leave you with some new Canadian observations:

·      Really not particularly fond of Americans here
·      I kinda get it but I’m a nice guy. Like a sarcastic teddy bear. Give me a chance. I just want to be loved.
·      Y’all remember Naya bottled water? Slogan ‘Hungry for life. Thirsty for Naya.’ Yeah they have it here.
·      Since they got rid of the penny here they round all of their transactions either up or down depending on total. But they still announce the old amount. I can never owe $10.83 in cash. Instead I’ll pay $10.80 or $10.85. For someone terrible at math this is terrifying.
·      Lots of women wear yoga pants here
·      I am not complaining
·      I still have not tried Canadian McDonald’s
That’s about it. I’ll write more later but to be honest I think you deserve a blog post from somewhere other than Canada. I’ll see what I can do about that. Till next time. Thanks for reading. Adios y’all.

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