Monday, May 24, 2010

Live from Telc!

Have you ever wondered what mashed potatoes stuffed with fried pork and then deep fried tastes? Yeah it's awesome. I've been here in the Czech Republic for four days now and as promised I'm blogging from halfway around the world. You know you're glad. I'm writing this on the bus from Brno (where we're staying) to Telc (pronounced Telch) which happens to be a World Heritage site. Not really sure why that is though doesn't seem to be as worthy of the title as Stonehenge but I'm not an expert on that sort of thing.

I went to a Czech mass yesterday morning at a Catholic church that is older than the United States. Yes I took pictures while I was inside the church. I was that dumb American and as punishment the pictures look like crap. But at least I got them. Seriously though it was one of the most beautiful services I have ever been to and I didn't even understand what was going on. Very cool. Also almost two hours long before I bowed out. It was still going for another hour after I left.

We visited a monastery our second day here. Okay is was a decommissioned monastery that now houses a bunch of mummified corpses. Cool huh? Something about the temperature of the crypts at the former monastery causes the bodies to petrify rather than decay. It was very weird and I didn't take any pictures cause, well, who wants to see that? If you're curious what it looks like, imagine people turned into jerky and you're about 100% there.

I have eaten so much food here it makes me kind of embarrassed but at the same time we walk so damn much that I don't feel too guilty. I ate Czech McDonald's and it was amazing...and I don't use that word. Why did I do it you ask? Well because it's been almost two years since I was in England and I have kicked myself every day for not trying McDonald's there. You kinda just have to. It also eases the homesickness a little bit. I had to point and grunt in English and she stared at me like I was insane but it was totally worth it. Imagine heaven, salty fried heaven, and you've got the taste of the Royal Plus Menu (Czech Quarter Pounder Super Sized). Sheer greatness. Oh and you can have beer at McDonald's. I didn't but the fact that you can indicates to me that they have their priorities set right.

We've got over a week left here, a bunch of major cities to visit, and several countries before I get home so I definitely have enough material for the rest of trip. Sorry this was such a long one (that's what he said). Haha. Couldn't help myself. Anyway I'll try to write sooner next time to avoid having you peace out around the middle. I'll also be funnier. I promise. Till next time. Adios y'all.

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