Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year (I'm fat)

Well that time has come once again for me to grace you with my presence. For those of you reading this for the first time I would like to welcome you. For those of you already familiar with my blogs and such welcome back. And finally to those of you who hate it every time I post something I’m sorry but, seriously, get over it.

So what brings me here you ask? I’m fat. There I said it. Whew. What a relief. Once I got back to Denton from the holidays and got on the scale I almost passed out. I have hit the greatest of milestones. I weigh 200 pounds. Well at least I did last Monday. I’ve lost 3 ½ pounds since then and I am now a svelte 196.5. So what’s the big deal right? Well I’m 5’7” and 200 pounds on someone my height lends me a little more to love than I’d like. My clothes don’t fit and I sweat bacon. Yeah. Actual pieces of bacon. I’ve come to resemble a pear with legs. A ruggedly handsome pear, but a pear nonetheless.

Why share this information? First and foremost it holds me accountable for the next part of this entry. I am going to lose 40 pounds this year. When I’m done, I will be the thinnest, and presumably healthiest, I’ve ever been. My second reason for sharing this information is that hopefully someone will read this and be motivated to do something about their own situation. Whether it’s weight, school, jobs, whatever. And the third and final reason for this is I have no excuse, other than my own neglect, for being fat. I know a burger tastes better than a salad. French fries are way better than carrot sticks. But heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and muffin tops are far less appealing.

So that’s it. I’m going to post once a week about progress and such. Maybe more often about other stuff. We’ll see how busy I am and all that. So until next time. Adios y’all.

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